\ Ghosts who(?) wayfared here, traveling lonesome on the wind
~ ~ ~
Glimmered silhouettes
in the blown-out,
tussled hair of a love
and when we notice,
the mind stained
with yearning
for something
not quite placed,
but known
in another sense
Another life
presenting as a show
of tenderness
on a windswept
rushed away
into prairies
& cotton fields
stripped bare
Laughter sweet
from children.
now passed,
wandering across their
stolen lands
and not a tree
to shelter for miles.
You cannot measure their mass.
More akin to pressure
than substance/atoms.
. . . .
When the sun falls
departed daylight,
deported day labor
the incessant chthonic howl
through window panes enough
to drive you mad.
Enter distraction
old piano hammers
detuned clanking
out hymns neath dim lit
cast green down walls
adobe thick,
swaying in the draft
Don’t misassociate the wind
with the sky, with heaven,
lest we forget our ghosts
Somewhere near Alpine, TX